Board Committee

  • Home Board Committee


Years of ERB

A statutory body established under the Engineers Registration Act, Cap 63.


EXCO is chaired by the Board Chairman and serviced by the Registrar for EXCO.


EXCO is chaired by the Board Chairman and serviced by the Registrar EXCO.


Is chaired by Board Member elected by the Board and serviced by the Assistant Registrar for ReTAC.


ReTAC is chaired by Board Member elected by the Board and serviced by the Assistant Registrar for ReTAC.


PDAC is chaired by a Board Member and serviced by the Assistant Registrar for professional Development Affairs


PDAC is chaired by a Board Member and serviced by the Assistant Registrar for professional Development Affairs

Executive Committee (EXCO)

Executive Committee (EXCO) The Executive Committee is chaired by the Board Chairman and serviced by the Registrar. Its terms of reference include.

To handle urgent and emergency issues on behalf of the Board.
To link with other Boards and professional institutions within
To oversee the finance and administration affairs of the Board
To develop, review or update bye-laws and regulations.
To examine policy issues before transmitting them to the Board for decision

Registration and Technical Affairs Committee (ReTAC)

Registration and Technical ReTAC is chaired by Board Member elected by the Board and serviced by the Assistant Registrar for Registration and Technical Affairs. Terms of reference of the Committee are

To process applications for registration.
To monitor professional activities of engineers and consulting firms
To conduct professional interviews for candidates registering
To ascertain deployment of registered engineers to perform engineering duties
To advise the Board on matters relating to its technical affairs
To ensure compliance of Code of Conduct and Ethics for engineering practice
To develop, review or update bye-laws and regulations.
To examine policy issues before transmitting for decision by the Board

Professional Development Affairs (PDAC)

Professional Development Affairs PDAC is also chaired by a Board Member and serviced by the Assistant Registrar for professional Development Affairs. Terms of reference of the Committee include

To certify academic awards.
To administer ERB examinations
To oversee ERB publications
To organize continuing professional development programmes for engineers of all categories
To organize seminars, workshops and conferences
To establish, operationalise and later coordinate the engineers apprenticeship (internship) for graduates
To coordinate competence building programmes for engineering consulting firms.
To advise the Board on matters relating to professional development affairs of the Board