The Engineers Registration Board (ERB) is a statutory body established under the Engineers (Registration) Act No 49 of 1968 that was subsequently repealed and re-enacted as the Engineers Registration Act No. 15 of 1997 as subsequently amended by the Engineers Registration (Amendment) Act No. 24 of 2007. The Board is mandated with monitoring and regulating the engineering practice in Tanzania through registration of engineers, engineering technicians and consulting firms. The Act allows only registered engineers to engage in professional engineering work and/or services. Registration is thus a licence and the only way of ensuring that one is professionally qualified to practise engineering. Under the law, it is illegal for an engineer or an engineering firm to practice the profession if is not registered with the Board. To qualify for registration in the categories of professional and technician engineers one has to acquire adequate professional competence and experience in areas specified by the Board. The Board has also been given statutory mandate to withdraw the right to practice from registered engineers if found guilty of professional misconduct or professional incompetence. And, moreover, the Board has a central role of Promoting Engineering for National Socio-Economic Development in line with Tanzania Development Vision 2025. So far many changes have been made for the operationalization of the Board due to various reasons such as policy review and technological changes.