Peter Ulanga is the Chief Executive Officer of the Tanzania Telecommunication Services Ltd, he previously worked as the Chief Executive Officer at the Universal Communications Service Access Fund; before joining Universal Communications he worked at the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority with responsibility on ICT development.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from University of Dar es Salaam, a Master’s degree in Business Administration from University of Southern Queensland, Australia and Master’s degree in Science from University of Essex in UK. His professional interests are in rural communications and green ICTs. He also has keen interest on issues related to Internet governance, ICT for sustainable development and ICT economics particularly on interconnection.
He is the current Chairman of the Association of Universal Service Access Funds of Africa and Associate Rapporteur of Question 14 of Study Group 5 in International Telecommunication Union’s Standardisation Sector and participates actively in Q15/5 of ITU-T.